Why drink wine during the pandemic?


Here are some reasons not to break the habit of drinking wine during the pandemic


Basic commodity


We are lucky to be part of a country where wine is one of the essential foodstuffs, so we take advantage of it! We go to our favorite wine merchant and get a nice little bottle to accompany our meal.


Wine protects against Covid-19


American researchers have demonstrated that wine (and grapes) eliminate two key Covid-19 enzymes. As a result, upon contact it can no longer spread. This finding was confirmed by the University of Medicine in Taiwan and it even adds that tannins amplify the elimination of these enzymes! What?! No excuses, let's toast!


To create a social life


And yes, it's not easy in the evenings at the moment, especially when you're in a small group or even alone. So don't panic, head to the drawer, take out the corkscrew, open your bottle of wine and bam! The party is immediately crazier even alone!


To travel from your sofa


Confinement every other month, restaurants and borders closed, quarantine in certain countries... In short, it's not the best time to travel! We have the solution: this evening when you come home, sit on your sofa, open a bottle, look at its origin and imagine yourself there. With a little luck you will be in a different region from yours and if your bottle comes from us, you will travel to the other side of the world.

Wine boxes around the world

The Italy Wine Box


The Italy Wine Box
From $289.00
The Baroudeur Wine Box


The Baroudeur Wine Box
From $130.00
The Great Traveler Wine Box


The Great Traveler Wine Box
From $190.00