South Africa


Private Cellar Chenin Blanc 2020

Un Chenin blanc alliant élégance, intensité et richesse aromatique

Le domaine Rijk's est situé dans la région viticole de Tulbagh en Afrique du Sud. Fondé en 1996 par Neville Dorrington, un passionné de vin qui cherchait à produire des vins de classe mondiale en Afrique du Sud, renommé pour ses vins de qualité supérieure, notamment ses Chenin Blanc et Pinotage. Le domaine est également connu pour son engagement envers la durabilité et les pratiques viticoles respectueuses de l'environnement. Le domaine utilise des méthodes de culture biologique et cherche constamment à minimiser son impact écologique.


Cette cuvée est composé de 100% Chenin blanc issu des vignes plantées sur des sols composé de schiste, de grès et d'argile qui contribue à la complexité et à la richesse des vins produits sur le domaine. Les raisins ont été récoltés de nuit et cueillis à la main pour conserver les saveurs, puis ont été délicatement écrasés et pressés. 30 % du vin a été fermenté à froid en cuve inox pour conserver la fraîcheur et le fruit et 70 % a été fermenté en fûts de chêne français de 300 litres. Le vin a ensuite été élevé pendant 11 mois, assemblé puis mis en bouteille. Ce vin dévoiles des notes de nectarine jaune, de pêche, de fleurs blanches, de pomme mûre, de coing, de citron confît, de pain grillé et de pierres mouillées. La bouche est ronde, texturée et bien équilibrée avec une finale sur les fruits mûrs.

Grape varieties : 100% Chenin Blanc

Alcohol : 14%

Guard : 5-10 years

A déguster avec un filet de sole meunière, un risotto aux champignons, un poulet rôti aux herbes ou avec une salade de chèvres chauds aux noix.

The first vines were planted in South Africa by Dutch settlers in the 1650s, although wine production did not really begin to take off until the arrival of French Protestants, in the 1680s, with their skills and their knowledge of viticulture. Stellenbosch is also a historic wine region, with the first vineyards being planted there in the 1690s.

Today South Africa is one of the most important wine producing countries in the southern hemisphere. With over 300 years of winemaking history, it is often described as a bridge between the Old and New Worlds. The majority of wines are produced using New World winemaking techniques, but they often have more in common stylistically with their Old World counterparts. Since the end of apartheid, South African wine has received international attention and acclaim for its wide variety of styles.

South Africa's wine industry is spread across the lush and rugged landscape of the Western Cape. Here, the abundance of mountains, valleys and plateaus allows winemakers to produce a wide variety of styles. Vineyards can also be found in the Orange River region of the Northern Cape, where the flat, arid landscape is dominated by the Kalahari Desert. Most of South Africa's wine regions have a Mediterranean climate, strongly influenced by the meeting of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

The country's signature grape variety is Pinotage, an indigenous cross of Pinot Noir and Cinsaut that is rarely found in quantity in other wine-producing countries. Shiraz (Syrah) is also widely planted, as are Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot (often combined in a Bordeaux blend). South African Chardonnay, Chenin and Sauvignon Blanc have become popular internationally in recent years.

Coastal Region

The Coastal Region is the largest wine growing region in the Western Cape and the epicenter of the South African wine industry. This region is influenced by both the oceans and the mountains from which many micro-climates arise. The climate is Mediterranean and the influence of the oceans is felt more markedly near the coasts but the interior of the region is warmer.

The sub-region: Tulbagh

The wine comes from the Tulbagh terroir which is in the Coastal Region and 90 km east of the Atlantic coast in a region with a Mediterranean climate. Cold winters with rain and snow and hot, dry summers with lots of wind. The valley is surrounded by mountains, which makes for cool nights. The estate's terroir incorporates the combination of location, climate, soil and human decisions in the vineyards. "At Rijk's, we study and respect nature, for future generations."

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